A community forum like 2001?!
Posted: Sun Dec 17, 2023 8:07 am
No, but it sure does look like it, amirite?!"Whoa, what is this - the year 2001?"
Welcome to the Serene Campgrounds - Serynn Dipity's community forums & bulletin board!
"But why don't we just use Discord?" - said Nobody, Ever
That's a great question, Nobody, Ever!
Discord servers are so >>Insert Current Year<< , and they're basically used just like forums were.
They're great for real-time chat, but I wanted something a little slower-paced.
In this heccin' fast-paced world we live in, sometimes it's nice to just sit back, sip a coffee or tea - and leisurely read & shitpost.
When will a response come through? Who knows, but it doesn't matter :] You're cozying up to the fire, reading thoughts or previous events and writing your own story in the mean time.
Settle in, make new friends - and we'll catch each other on Twitch.
Welcome to the Serene Campgrounds Bulletin Board! ^_^
Enjoy your stay, hangout, and cozy-on-in.
Note: To help prevent spambots, registrations require admin approval - so shoot me a message on stream, or redeem the Free Channel Points Reward (Forum Registration) and you'll be approved right then and there.